"Tray Deee" a été arrêté samedi pour avoir tirer sur des employés devant un immeuble de bureau à Long Beach.
Il a été identifié en tant que suspect présumé dans la fusillade et fut arrêté quelques heures après l'incident.
Personne n'a été blessé dans la fusillade et Tray Dee a été tenu en prison avec une caution s'élevant à 50 000 $.
Le rappeur a sorti deux albums en tant que membre du groupe 'Tha Eastsidaz' avant de prétendre récemment que le label Doggystyle Records et son fondateur Snoop Dogg lui doivent des millions en royalties pour la vente de ses albums. Dans un tout autre incident, il a déclaré que les membres de la sécurité de Snoop Dogg ont ouvert le feu sur lui après qu'il est tenté de rentrer en contact avec eux.
Tray Deee arrêté à Long Beach
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Eastsidaz : news
Tray Deee arrêté à Long BeachDim 09 Nov 2003
11Snoop Dogg doit 1 millions de dollars au EastsidazMer 29 Oct 2003
Toi aussi ?
Snoop est pourri par l argent il va se prendre une bastos un de c 4 il va pas comprendre. Suge knight serait bien content de la lui mettre... et il est pas le seul
C'est GALA Version Streetz
moi sa me fait planar toutes ces histoires c pire ke gala :D
oh sorry men je n'avais pas vu ton post! navré
ouais il ya un putain d'interview sur allhiphop.com de tray dee, et il y va pas avec le dos de la cuilliere!!il met tout le monde ds le meme sac il a les boules ca c clair!!!!!!
voici la partie la + marrante!
Allhiphop.com: You only got $40,000 from a platinum album? Who in the hell received the gist of that money?
Tray Deee: Snoop and TVT.
Allhiphop.com: What kind of numbers did the second album hit?
Tray Deee: It went gold. It sold about 700,000 copies.
Allhiphop.com: How was the money divvied up on that album?
Tray Deee: We got a $200,000 advance and that was it. They raked in all the spoils and didn’t divide it. Snoop was all in it with that Steve Gottlieb dude. He tried to play all innocent and all that. He’s still smoking blunts and coaching kids, man. He’s the biggest sucker of them all. He ran. I tried to address the situation with him as a man. We’ve been going at it for the past two years. I’ve been trying to resolve with him diplomatically, not going to court, because I want him to say, “yeah man, I did wrong, but let me make it right.” He ain’t man enough to even do that. He would rather hire a bunch of security to protect me from getting to him. I’ve been checking him, man. He’s been living off of my “G” reputation since 1995.
Allhiphop.com: On the outside, Snoop seems cool. But you know hims - how is he outside of the cameras and paparazzi?
Tray Deee: He’s a family man, wants to do right by his children. His wife runs the household. He just wants his little space to act like he’s pimpin’, but in actuality he’s paying. He’s paying Don (Magic) Juan and the hoes. He’s Don Juan’s main hoe!
Allhiphop.com: (laughs)
Tray Deee: He don’t walk around Long Beach or nothing like that. He sends scouts out to look around to see who’s where so he knows which places to avoid. So when he shows up, everything’s cool. He has 20 bodyguards surrounding him with a bunch of blunt rollers and yes men.
Allhiphop.com: I was reading a story about he gave you and Goldie Loc a chain as payment for the album. Is there any truth to that?
Tray Deee: Yeah, a little platinum chain. He tried to say it cost $71,000, but then he turned around and said that’s what he paid for 10 of them. The first ones he gave us were cubic zirconias and silver. Then, he went to the jeweler and had them do up about 10 real pieces. I went and finished getting mine flooded out on my own expense. He’ll give you $5,000 to write a verse for him, or $5,000-$10,000 to do a song with him. He’ll turn around and make a million, or two or three.
Allhiphop.com: Snoop has to be a multi-millionaire with all of that going on.
Tray Deee: If you tell him you’re doing bad, he’ll give you $50 or something, then tell the bodyguards to show you the door.
Allhiphop.com: What was the situation when you went to his house and tried to collect the money he owes you?
Tray Deee: I went on peace to tell him to come clean with what he owes me. He ran out of his house and hopped in his truck. His bodyguard tried to tell him to come back. I told him to go ahead, add it up and chip mines off. I came back the next day to collect, and his people fired on me.
Allhiphop.com: They shot at you?
Tray Deee: Yeah, they unleashed some shots at me.
Allhiphop.com: Well, the word on the street was you were shaking Snoop down. He was actually paying you.
Tray Deee: No, we weren’t shaking him down. He was paying the homeboys to keep the rest of the homeboys off of him. He’s a bitch boy. He don’t take care of his people, man. He don’t got no businesses in the city, none of that.
Allhiphop.com: Do you have any sort of legal leg to stand on in all of this?
Tray Deee: Fa sho, fa sho! I got Fred Moutrie from an accounting firm (Moss Adams LLP) who says they owe us $1,000,000 a piece.
Allhiphop.com: You and Goldie Loc are owed in excess of $1,000,000 each?
Tray Deee: Yep. Me and Goldie. But now, I’m the talent coordinator for the Xtreme Fighting Championships.
Allhiphop.com: Really?
Tray Deee: Yeah, I’m on the Board of Directors; I’m a shareholder. Tito Ortiz is my business partner.
Allhiphop.com: Tito Ortiz is the truth. He will split your wig in four or five places in a second.
Tray Deee: I want to tell to Snoop to go to the Staples Center and meet me in the Octagon. No holds barred for $1,000,000 a piece. I’ll give him 90 days to train for it, too.
Allhiphop.com: (laughs)
Tray Deee: Him and his security detail. We’ll match off weight classes.
Allhiphop.com: He's is a pretty thin guy.
Tray Deee: It don’t matter, man. He can put somebody in there my weight, and I’ll get somebody his weight to deal with him. We’ll do it on pay per view. Him and his security against me and my homeboys.
Allhiphop.com: Cats don't know about a fight any more.
Tray Deee: Exactly! His Dogghouse record label, too.
Allhiphop.com: Watch out, man, he’ll get Kokane to come after you! (laughs)
Tray Deee: Kokane ain’t with him no more. It’s him, Supafly, E. White, RBX…a bunch of bums! A bunch of wannabes and ass men.
Allhiphop.com: (laughs)
Tray Deee: And tell him he can even get G-Unit since he’s on their nuts. He can name his squad the DPG Unit, since he’s on 50 Cent’s and Chingy’s nuts. Get 50 Cent and his boys, too!
Allhiphop.com: Man, you are hysterical!
Tray Deee: He can get G-Unit and the Chingy posse against Tray Deee and the Eastside Crips.
Allhiphop.com: (laughs) You are killing me, man!
Tray Deee: He wants P-Diddy to produce his next album. How is he going to be a West Coast artist and his last two singles was “From The Chuuch To Da Palace” and “Beautiful?”
ils un con d'avoir une attitude comme ca avec son proces contre snoop en cours sa va lui revenir ds la guele ca ...
employer de kelle entreprise???
c peutètre les hommes de snoop...
C un peu la reponse du berger a la bergere ils se laissent pas faire et ils ont bien raison.
Putain ça part bien en couille pour eux en ce moment, je me demande si l'on verra leurs prochain album dans les bas un jour...
"Tray Deee" a été arrêté samedi pour avoir tirer sur des employés devant un immeuble de bureau à Long Beach.
Il a été identifié en tant que suspect présumé dans la fusillade et fut arrêté quelques heures après l'incident.
Personne n'a été blessé dans la fusillade et Tray Dee a été tenu en prison avec une caution s'élevant à 50 000 $.
Le rappeur a sorti deux albums en tant que membre du groupe 'Tha Eastsidaz' avant de prétendre récemment que le label Doggystyle Records et son fondateur Snoop Dogg lui doivent des millions en royalties pour la vente de ses albums. Dans un tout autre incident, il a déclaré que les membres de la sécurité de Snoop Dogg ont ouvert le feu sur lui après qu'il est tenté de rentrer en contact avec eux.